An Announcement 

Hello, my Bloggy friends!! I have been absent for WAY too long and I wanted to have a chance to catch up. I’ve missed blogging after the house hunting, and the planning of Matt’s graduation and 30th birthday party. I let things slide! But I’m super happy to be back! To kick things off again here at One Lovely Little Life I have an announcement to make…

YES, IT’S TRUE!! I’m expecting! So far everything has been fine and I’ve been feeling great. In fact, it all feels pretty surreal. Please continue to pray that this baby will keep growing strong! I am currently 7 weeks + 2 days…Baby K is due December 15th! We had been trying for just over a year, but once we found out what was wrong and I was able to get medication for it, it really didn’t take too long at all. And my hormones are all sorted out 🙂 .
This is the announcement we made to share our news with our parents and siblings:

So fun, right?! “Wanted to spill the beans that there’s a baby K brewing!” 😉 I promise to share the details and keep you posted with more regular updates! Thank you for all your prayers. I am so blessed to have such loving friends and family who support me and kept encouraging me. We have our first ultrasound booked for June 20th and we are anxiously awaiting to hear the heartbeat and see baby K growing!

Until next time,

I Have A What?

Pituitary Adenoma. Basically a “common benign tumour in the pituitary gland”. These are the results of the MRI scan I had a few weeks ago. The diagnosis sounds a lot scarier than it is. And for that, I am extremely grateful. Apparently 10% of people can develop one of these little guys before their death. Crazy! Some of the tumours secrete one or more hormones in excess – this is what it’s doing in me. So, basically, this type of tumour I have specifically accounts for 30% of all pituitary tumours. As of now, it is affecting my fertility. And causes some dandy headaches, among some other not so lovely symptoms. In the mean time, something like this tumour requires regular blood work and monitoring until the day that it is either removed (surgery) or it shrinks. Actually, the medication I’ve been prescribed can work to shrink the tumour entirely – which is our prayer.

Pituitary Tumours

So where do we go from here? Well, the medication I’ve been given has been working effectively – YAY! It acts to balance my hormones by preventing the excess my body is creating. And my cycle has returned, so we can continue trying to conceive! Actually, many people with these tumours can still have families. Which is SUCH a relief 😀 .

When I first got these MRI results, I was pretty upset. And worried. It was scary and unpleasant news to hear.

When you receive bad news it can be like a toxin that overwhelms our soul and then tries to strip us of our joy. It seeps into our hearts, and leaves us wondering what will happen to us. It can sometimes stir doubt for how God will help us through whatever circumstances we are facing…

But then I opened up to a verse in the Bible that gave me hope. I am not just saying that because the Bible is filled with encouragement…I mean this in all seriousness…I was filled with real hope reading this scripture. The kind of hope that helps you press on and live confidently no matter what circumstances overwhelm.

“They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.” ~ Psalm 112:7

Do not fear bad news

Oh how I need to remember this daily and cling to this truth!

I pray that if you have been in a season of enduring bad news, received bad news today, or perhaps face it in the future…I pray you would meditate on this verse and confidently trust that God loves you and will care for you.


Already In My Heart, Someday In My Arms…

When a couple has been dating for a significant period of time, people start to wonder and begin to ask, “When will you be getting married?”. Inquiring minds want to know! They see the love between the two of you, and wonder when you’ll be taking that next step of commitment.  AS SOON AS you ARE married, some of the same people ask you excitedly, “When will you guys start trying to start a family?!”. It’s the natural “next” step, assumedly. This is where we are “at”. The awkward stage of trying to conceive. I say that it’s awkward, only because in our society we are so driven to reach the NEXT step. We don’t want to be stagnant. We are driven to go further, to be more…to HAVE MORE. We have this personal checklist of things we want to attain. I feel as though we have been stuck in this stage of transition for a couple years now. I’m supposed to wait and be patient. Which can be SO DIFFICULT when you want something with every fibre of your being.

Today’s post will serve a couple of purposes. I wanted to recap on what has been going on for the last year, for those of you who may be new to my blog, and haven’t read posts from the beginning. Also, the second reason is that it’s purely therapeutic for me. I need to talk about it. I don’t want to be stirring inside and secretive about it. I also don’t want to feel that I have to put on a brave face 100% of the time. I need all the prayer and encouragement I can get! I don’t mean to be a “negative Nancy” and know that I’m not going to let this difficult season define my life or steal my joy!

Hmm…So where to begin? I’ve wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember. I always had dolls and played with Barbies (I know. 🙂 late 80’s kid!). I would play house and play store. In every scenario I, of course, was the mother. I was also a (somewhat!) bossy eldest sister to my brother and sister, and in our imaginative play, I had no problems telling them what we were playing and what our characters would be.


I can also be a control freak. Plus, I’m a girl! I feel like I am constantly encountering other women who have these personal timelines of what they hope to accomplish, and when. And, I mean, it’s good to dream. To have goals and it’s always good to hope!

Proverbs 19:21

When we got married we were in our mid twenties. Figured we had the world before us, and time was on our side! We waited until we were married before moving in together, and we had just bought a house. The newness of being newlyweds and homeownership would take some “getting used to”.  And it did, for a bit. We agreed we would wait a couple of years before trying to start a family. Well, let’s be honest, I could have started trying right away! We compromised that we would first try to reach our goal of paying off some personal debt. We didn’t want to bring children up into “that”, and wanted to be financially responsible. Our schedule was busy, I was working two jobs that had shift work, and then there was my husbands career change. He went away for 3 months and wouldn’t have been around for either the first trimester or the last, and that just broke his heart. We agreed that it wasn’t the best time…

People Can Plan...

We finally started trying to conceive when I went up to see Matt in Montreal (while he was at basic). He started having weekends off, and we were so ecstatic to be together again. It was SUCH an exciting realization. THIS WAS THE TIME! Our weekend together was wonderful, but no such luck. After no positive results,  the trying continued into the Spring. April came along and Matt graduated from Basic Training. In May he moved onto a training base while he worked at the fire hall, while awaiting his course to start (end of August). Such a busy season for Matt, as he was on base 2 hours from our hometown, where I was still living. Every week I tried to keep busy and keep my mind off of the fact that we STILL weren’t living together, and saw Matt only on weekends. In June, I planned a vacation for us to get away from it all, in hopes for a romantic escapade. While the trip was refreshing and wonderful, there was still no little bundle of joy that came from it. After countless pregnancy tests and “negative’s” my discouragement turned to dismay.

Psalm verse

In July, we rejoiced that we had a home together again! A house on base had become available, and we gratefully snatched it up. And in the late Summer, I lost my period. They just stopped. I ignored it and figured, they had been irregular my whole life and would return eventually. I bought an ovulation predictor kit, and a basal body thermometer. Is this really what people go through? I didn’t want to chart or plan my pregnancy. I wanted to have a natural pregnancy, one that would happen on God’s clock, and not mine. I eventually went to the doctors for a “pre-conception appointment” (we HAD to be doing something wrong!), only to have him say, “It’s just stress”. I was told to exercise, and they should return. This left me frustrated because I had BEEN exercising. I’ve been taking pre-natal vitamins and eating as healthy as I EVER have. He also gave me a requisition for bloodwork.

I got a call with my lab results, and as it turns out, I have a hormonal imbalance. With an increase of prolactin levels, or, hyperprolactinaemia. He also wants me to go for an MRI of my pituitary gland. It’s likely that I haven’t had my period due to that (amenorrhoea). I was prescribed “Bromocriptine” and so that’s where we’re currently at. It’s been a rough week of medication side effects (I’ll spare you the gory details), but otherwise, I’m actually feeling relieved that we have figured out what the problem has been. I’m hopeful that my period returns and everything levels out from there. We can continue TTC (trying to conceive) and in the Lord’s time I pray this is just a minor interference. We are trying to remain hopeful.

Jesus replied

So, Matt and I would really appreciate your prayers! I know there are so many of you that are lifting our names up to God on a daily basis and I am so grateful for that. I want you all to know that I’m not writing any of this to gain pity, but rather so you can know how to pray and so you can gain some insight on what has been going on with us. It hasn’t been an easy road to travel down, and I am only one of many millions of women with a hormone imbalance. Isn’t it a comfort to know that we don’t have to travel the road alone, though? We are remaining hopeful and steadfast in prayer through this difficult season. I can’t wait until the day I get to announce that God has performed a miracle in me and has given us a baby!! I can’t wait to rejoice and I hope you’ll be there to celebrate with me.


Romans 8:18


Happy New Year, all! 2015 – Crazy how fast time flies, isn’t it? I hope your celebrations last night rung in the new year with fond memories of the last year and left you hopeful for 2015. We got all bundled up and went to down to Niagara Falls for the concert! It was freeeezing!! We came back to Matts parents place just in time to watch the ball drop and warm up with some hot chocolate.


I’m sad Christmas is over, but really glad to start a new year. Always feels like a fresh start, doesn’t it? I’m so grateful for all 2014 brought us, but we are REALLY looking forward to 2015 and ready to embrace it! Matt graduates this March and is so stoked to start finally working as a firefighter. We are eagerly awaiting our pending posting… And ready to see what God has Im store for us. There’s also goimg to be some changes on the blog, as I will befollowing more of a schedule. I also am getting more used to some of the “techie” stuff blogging entails. So be on the look out!! 😀 Have a wonderfully relaxing New Year’s Day.

2014 In Review

Never stop prepared a 2014 annual report for my blog. Seeing as how onelovelylittlelife just launched in October, I’d say these stats are pretty great!

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,500 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 25 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

So excited to see where this blog goes in the new year! Thanks for all your interest, encouragement and support!


Changes Up Ahead

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was lovely – full of family gatherings and good food galore! We are currently still enjoying time off on holidays and have been enjoying relaxing together. Time has mainly been spent catching up with family and friends. Some days we were able to relax once the hustle and bustle of the holidays came to a halt . Lots of reading was done and tea was had 😉. We have been so blessed to have this length of time off, as well as a place to stay while we’re visiting – thanks to Mom and Dad Klassen!

We had been hoping (and crossing our fingers and toes!) that we would have found out where we were getting posted to BEFORE CHRISTMAS, however sometimes life doesn’t go exactly how we planned (sometimes I’m still shocked by this) ;). So we still don’t know WHERE WE WILL BE GOING, nor do we even know WHEN WE WILL BE FINDING OUT. For a control freak planner such as I, this is quite stressful! I have ideas, and plans…I NEED TO KNOW! This is MY LIFE.

Where are we going?

I honestly don’t know how people are ok with not knowing and how they are just ok with having no control over some of these major decisions in their lives. I know that for myself, the only comfort I have is that I believe in a God who is bigger than our circumstances. I can rest knowing that he has it under control and that His plan is bigger than anything else we could have thought of for our lives. It also helps that we have a big support system in place, and we know we have close friends and family that are thinking of and praying for us.

To be completely honest, if I REALLY stop and think about it, some days I’m scared to find out. I’m terrified to go to a place where no one knows us! Other days, not knowing is such a thrill – completely invigorating. To NOT have control over where we may be going, is kinda cool! I know Matt will be doing what he’s wanted to do since he was a little boy, and there’s a big world out there to explore! It could be nice to live somewhere new, outside of Ontario. The only downside is not being in close proximity to our loved ones. There’s definitely pros and cons no matter where we go.

On the days I feel more anxious, I look to Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. I heard an encouraging sermon on this particular verse in regards to the New Year. I had heard a pastor mentioning how so many people look at that verse and see the words “prosper”, “hope”, and “future” – and that’s great. These are some of God’s many promises! However the ‘meat and potatoes’ of it lies in the first part: “For I know“. We’re not MEANT TO KNOW!  I’m glad God knows and I can rest easy knowing He’s got it under control. If I’ve trusted my life with Him, I truly believe that God knows the outcome and I need to daily hand my plans and decisions over to Him. It’s only human nature to want to know every detail and to strive to have control over things that affect our lives. This is where my faith comes in, and I need to trust that he’ll lead us to whichever province we’re meant to live in.

I truly believe God has brought us here so far, as we’ve seen doors open when we thought it wasn’t possible. Wherever we get sent, we are praying for peace. It might be hard, and it will definitely take some getting use to, but don’t have to go alone. God is leading is. This year has been such an adventure for us and our marriage and we are so looking forward for what’s to come! Here’s to 2015!

Check out this link for more inspiration. If you have any questions regarding what I posted, feel free to drop me a line! Comment below.

Best is yet to come!

Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Men!

Hello, hello! I hope you had a good day. Winter seemed to come early in November, then all the snow melted…and now it’s BACK again with a vengeance! As I sat here with my coffee this morning, the snow was coming down hard. I decided to wait it out a bit, to see if it would let up…but it just kept on coming! So, in between trying to psych myself up for shovelling and addressing Christmas cards,  I decided I ought to blog. It is, of course, “Things I Love Thursday”.

I had good intentions of getting ALL my holiday shopping done last weekend when we were out, but I did not…and my gift hunting will continue on this weekend. I love giving gifts and pride myself on thinking creatively about what someone could want or need. Gift-giving is usually my forte! However, with my husband, I really get challenged to “think outside the box”. He is quite particular, and often tells me he doesn’t need or want anything. I usually succeed with something or other but it can often be a struggle buying for men! I know I for one, want to show the men in my life my appreciation! We have done the tradition of stockings, and stocking stuffers since we’ve been married. While this is fun, it can lead to more brain racking! So today’s “Things I Love Thursday” = STOCKINGS!  And, true to my word, I’ve compiled a list of AT LEAST 50 or so, stocking stuffer ideas for all the guys in our lives. These are non-cheesy gift items for men of all ages, with all types of hobbies. These gift ideas come in various sizes, and at all different price points. So, without further ado…stocking stuffer ideas for menLinks may contain affiliate links.

1.) Syma Helicopter

Syma Helicopter

2.) Optishot Infrared Golf Simulator

3.) Logitech Harmony Smart Control

Harmony controller

4.) Black Box Innovations Personal Pocket Safe USB

5.) Pocket Ref

pocket ref

6.) Pocket Poker

7.) Deck of Playing Cards

8.) Nest Learning Thermostat


9.) Ryobi Cordless Drill

10.) Brookstone Candyman Candy Dispenser

11.) Logitech Wireless Mouse Trackball

12.) Bowflex Adjustable Dumbbells

13.) LeatherCraft Handyman Gloves

14.) Toothpaste Tube Wringer

15.) Shaving Kit

16.) Pomade or Wax

17.) Razors & Shaving Cream

18.) Nose/Facial Hair Trimmer

19.) Hand Salve

20.) Lip Balm

21.) BBQ Briefcase

22.) Gourmet BBQ Sauce/Meat Rub

Sweet Bourbon Glaze

23.) Cuff Links

24.) Tie

25.) C.D. – maybe a fun movie soundtrack

26.) DVD – maybe a childhood favourite

27.) Undershirts (You can buy a pk. at Costco and split them up between the guys in your life!)

28.) Boxers

29.) Wool Socks

30.) Scarf

31.) Winter Hat (a “toque” for all us Canadians – yeeeeah!)

32.) Handwarmers

33.) Gloves (different than aforementioned ‘handwarmers’)

34.) Magazine subscription

35.) Itunes Gift Card

36.) Concert Tickets

37.) Movie tickets (Costco sells them at a discount!)

38.) Fun Groupon (for a massage, fro-yo, or maybe a wine tasting)

39.) Starbucks gift card (THIS I would like to share with him 😉 )

40.) Travel mug

41.) Hot chocolate (or other fun hot drink packets)

42.) Gift card for a car wash or detail

43.) Guitar picks (Etsy has some great personalized ones!)

I pick you

44.) Car window decal

45.) Car air freshener

46.) Pocket size tire gauge

47.) Armor All wipes

48.) Car window scraper/brush

49.) Compass

50.) Swiss Army knife

Swiss Army Knife

51.) Wind-proof lighter/waterproof matches

52.) Phone/car charger

53.) Candy/gum

54.) Beef Jerky (nuts, sunflower seeds, other “man food”)

55.) USB drive

56.) Mini leatherman

57.) Earbuds

58.) Whisky stones (I got these for Matt last year and they work really well!)

Whisky Stones

59.) Flask (Etsy has some cool ones!)


60.) Cigars

61.) Wallet

62.) Money clip

63.) Utili-key

64.) Keychain

65.) Iphone armband

66.) Fishing lures

67.) Bodywash/shower gel

68.) Mini mag-light

69.) Golf ball/tees

70.) Baseball hat

71.) 365 Sports Facts-a-Year 2015 daily desk calendar

2015 365 Sports Facts A Year Calendar

72.) Protein bars/powder

73.) Cologne and/or cologne samples

74.) Bottle opener (Matt has this one and really likes it)

save water bottle opener

75.) Travel binoculars

76.) Flexible tri-pod

77.) Sudoku (or other puzzles) book

78.) Book

79.) Booklight

80.) Batteries (rechargeable)

81.) Lottery tickets (I get 10% if you win…I kid :))

82.) Nostalgic toy (from his childhood – Star wars, G.I. Joes, Legos, Hot Wheels)

83.) Handheld knife sharpener (Matt would LOVE one of these!)

84.) Handwritten poem or letter

85.) Homemade coupon book

Hopefully this can add some inspiration to your holiday shopping! Here’s to our men! Feel free to ‘pin’ any of these ideas to your holiday and gift giving Pinterest boards. Thanks for stopping by!

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Good morning! Today’s entry comes from my beautiful and dear friend, Cathryn. I asked if she could write a guest post for me, and she has so graciously provided me with this. She also blogs at Beloved. Get your coffee ready and join me in reading her post :).

Hello Friends and Followers! I wanted to share why I cherish my friendship with Mandy. As she mentioned in an earlier post, Tea for Two, we have been friends for ages. Meeting when we were young teenagers, though we lived far away from each other we still kept in touch via email and MSN (I feel so old!). We would also get together a few times a year usually for a sleepover or an entire weekend. Our get-togethers were so precious, and I definitely cherish those memories of catching up and talking about everything that was going on in our lives: family stuff, work drama, school stresses, what was going on in our walk with Jesus and how we were growing closer to Him or how we were struggling. We often compared lists of books written by Christian authors and even spent some time reading snippets together. Mandy has always been a strong Christian presence in my life, which I am so thankful for. She has always encouraged me to pray and I think she actually has played a vital role in where my prayer life is today- one of the times we were at my house, we were talking about our future. Dreaming, and wondering if we knew the men we would marry already or if not, when we would meet them- and talking about what our hopes were for our future husbands. It was during this conversation that Mandy mentioned that (my memory is a tad foggy here) she had either read or heard something about praying for your future husband even before you knew who they were and how that just really resonated with her. I think that was the first time I had heard about doing that, and really loved that idea. I remember after that conversation, we prayed together (another great thing I love about our friendship- we never go without at least one prayer time in our visits) for our future husbands, and our dating relationships with those people God had planned for us. Praying that we would be patient, that God would mold them and us in His image and that our focus would be on Him.

Cat & I

Cat & I 3

As we have gotten older and time has passed, we have continued to stay in touch and make time to get together. We were both in attendance at each other’s weddings (we both married men named Matt which makes things fun and confusing during conversation, having to clarify by “my Matt” or “which Matt”). Matt and Mandy have been married longer then my Matt and I. We were married June 2013, and during our first year of marriage I remember emailing Mandy often, to ask for advice or just make sure that what I was going through was normal or even just seeking marital reading material suggestions. Not long after I was first married (January 2014) my husband got a job where he had to be sent away for intense training for a few months, so I was only able to see him on weekends. At the same time, Mandy’s husband was hired with the Canadian Forces and they had to be separated for a long period of time too so that her Matt could undergo intense training. So we were experiencing a lot of the same emotions and struggles together which really helped since no one else in our lives (or at least my own life) could relate in any way to what I was going through. I at least got to see my husband on weekends, Mandy didn’t even get to see her Love for several months. It was for sure a very difficult time on both of us, though our friendship grew to a whole new level. We saw each other more regularly then we had in previous years, just because we needed that contact with someone who “got it”. We texted each other regularly to check in and make sure we were doing okay and not too lonely. We prayed for each other when we were together and also when we were not together. God for sure had His hand on us while we were enduring the distance with our spouses, because we were always able to comfort each other when the other was having a hard time…I honestly don’t know how I could have gone through those months without her.

Cat & Matt :)

Matt & I engagement

One thing that Mandy mentioned in her post, Tea for Two ,was how we are able to ask each other the tough questions. I feel like our friendship has always been a safe place to ask each other how we are doing with our walk with Jesus and genuinely want to know- as well as a safe and loving place to both firmly and gently keep each other accountable and encourage each other. It has always been a natural thing we discuss and challenge in a positive way- however, as we have gotten older and experienced life’s highs and lows, the questions we ask are different but with the same intentions. Our history together and deepness of our friendship and our common faith in Jesus as our saviour allows us to cut right to the heart of it. How are you? What are you studying in your quiet time? How are you and hubby doing? Are you going to church regularly? Are you making an effort to continue growing in faith? How is your prayer life? How can I be praying for you? How can I be praying for you and your marriage? – these questions are incredibly personal but so important to have a friend who loves me so much and to care about me enough to make sure that I’m still walking with Jesus and continuing to grow in my relationship with Him. Not all of the questions we ask each other are specific to our faith, but it is all encompassing.

Cat & I

I realize by the above rambles that it may seem as though we only have serious conversations, and let me tell you- that could not be farther from the truth. Mandy is quick to crack a joke and can be a tad sassy in a great light hearted way. I love this Lady so much, she is so kind, sweet, fun and for sure someone I truly admire and look up to. I can’t forget to add our shared love and passion for a good cup of tea. It does wonders for the soul. It is comforting in difficult moments, it sooths you during tough conversations and it is just simply put, the best drink ever. Ever.

Cup of tea

As time has passed we have gone through different phases of life together. As life continues we find ourselves in yet another phase, the waiting and praying phase. Mandy and her husband are waiting to find where they will be posted, it is a time of mixed emotions: apprehension, anxiety, excitement and faith. I know that Matt and Mandy are spending time together praying for this next transition that they have been working towards, my Matt and I have also been praying for them as this will be a huge change for them. We pray that they will trust in the Lord to care for them, that they will have faith in His plan and that as they prepare for this new adventure that they will find community in their new home. I pray that wherever they are sent, that they would be at peace with the posting. I am excited to see how God uses them and challenges them together and am looking forward to future emails, texts, Facebook messages and hopefully Skype conversations with Mandy as we walk alongside each encouraging one another.


Cat & I

Cat & I

Celebrating Life As A SAHW

This is not what I imagined my life would be. There’s pressure all around me…pressure I’ve put on myself. I’m cooking and cleaning…why isn’t that enough? This is my life currently. The life of a homemaker. I DO love what I do. So why am I so hard on myself sometimes? Why am I not feeling like I measure up? Then my husband comes home with a grin and asks me what smells so good. It brings me joy to see him enjoying a yummy meal I’ve whipped up. We enjoy a homemade dinner together, and I’m thankful neither of us has to rush off. I start to do the dishes so he is able to study and then unwind. He thanks me for dinner, and always offers to help clean up. I can do this, so he doesn’t have to. I truly love taking care of him! He notices how clean the house is, and tells me I look pretty today. We read together for a bit, relax together and cuddle on the couch. Once again I’m reminded how blessed I am in this moment. I know it won’t last forever. It’s just this season of life that we’re in. It’s been a difficult transition. I know I’m taking care of my husband, supporting him. Of this, I’m reminded… and I am ok again. Yet how does a woman find her identity in a culture that diminishes the very things she does day in and day out?

HousewivesI have always wanted to be a homemaker, since I was a little girl. I just didn’t think that it could be a reality in today’s society. After all,  we don’t have any kiddos yet, and I have been used to working shift work and/or 2 jobs since I was in high school. When I was married 4 years ago, that didn’t change. We only had more responsibility; bills to pay, and a  mortgage along with some wedding debt. After college, I had began working in the health care industry, which obviously requires round the clock care. Obtaining full time at one location is often difficult, though I certainly tried. So it only made sense to opt for 2 part time positions. 2 part time positions at 2 different locations with 2 varying schedules was 2 much. I mean, I was happy to do it for a period of time, and with our hard work and perseverance we were able to become debt free! Then the shift work was starting to get to me. You can only miss so many holidays and family functions! I longed to do what I did, but still have weekends off. Trying to remain positive, I  settled into (what I now know was) the complacency and mediocrity of one job. One job that I loved when I had started working there, but, one job that I knew I wouldn’t want to do for much longer.  And with my husband having slow seasons at work, it meant we both would always have to work. We didn’t want this for our family, for our future. Something needed to change…

Matt had wanted to become a firefighter long before we were married. He had heard how difficult it was to get hired on and took the discouragement to heart. He opted for a construction/carpentry trade and was talented at it. He has an eye for detail, and enjoyed working with his hands. He was happy doing it for many years, and suddenly he felt God telling him He wanted him to do something different. And with my support, along with our families and close friends’ prayers and encouragement along the way, he applied to serve in the Canadian Forces in hopes of becoming a military firefighter. After some rigorous testing, he was accepted and with that, we sold our house and he left for basic training for 14 weeks. It was difficult being apart. So, naturally, I welcomed the busyness of the shift work, wishing the time away. When he finally graduated, I had moved out of our first home, and the next chapter of our lives began. And so the “awkward transition” of our lives that we’re currently in, where we are renting, living on a military base and Matt is continuing to train as a firefighter. And so where does that leave me?

Being an independent career woman can be over-rated. I can honestly say that while the nature of my career choice was rewarding, and I made some great friends, the only thing I missed when I first left my job was the paycheck. The politics of the workplace and the company, however, I do not miss. Of course,  I met some wonderful people while in the “working world”, and I truly hope I impacted those whom I served while working in long term care. But, we were moving, and it was impossible to stay employed there anyway, so I left the job that was beginning to leave me unfulfilled anyway. I’m not defined by what I do anyway

Housewife Without Children?

We moved to the small town (on a base) where my husband could be at work (to continue his training) in 5 minutes, and I became settled into becoming a housewife. Don’t get me wrong, I loved working. Contributing financially. In fact, I’m used to being such a busybody! I felt like it was what I NEEDED to do. It’s not like I didn’t try to find work. It was just difficult finding a position that was meeting my stipulations:

A) Something close to home/the base. Being in a small town, there isn’t many places hiring. And we’re in the snow belt here, and most places are around a 25 minute drive away.

B) Would want a job that was 9-5 (with weekends and most evenings free to be at home with the hubby). After having worked so many weekends/holidays, and then with Matt having been away for 14 weeks, I just want to be around him on his free time! We’ve also been driving back on occasional weekends to visit family/friends 2x a month or so. Now with the Christmas season approaching, I would need to have 3 weeks off in order to be with Matt over the holidays.

C) This location is only temporary. We’ll be here for less than a year, and then we are going to be posted out in March.

Quite possibly, being a homemaker was the best decision God ever made for me. I simply settled unwillingly into this, but  perhaps it’s exactly what my husband needs as he’s continuing to study and train with the Canadian Forces. So, I’m striving to be mindful of this, and trying to continually learn to find joy and contentedness in my current situation. Here are some reasons why I love being a stay-at-home-wife/SAHW:

  • I have made our home into a little oasis away from the rest of the world. Since I don’t have to deal with most of the stresses of the outside world, I can concentrate on making our home clean, comfortable, cozy, and most importantly, a welcoming place for my husband to come back to in the evenings. He gets up everyday to train/work so, I want to help him to relax. Massages, candles, and lots of love are always in store for him. Which is also ideal for when you’re trying to start a family ;).
  • I love cooking, baking and making meals with effort and care. In fact, I make almost everything from scratch. My husband and I probably eat out a handful of times a year at most. At home, I make nutritious meals that are healthy for us. I also love to bake sweets and baked goods freshly each week. When you cook from scratch at home you realize that food prepared at restaurants isn’t any better. You won’t miss eating out!
  • It’s a traditional, old-fashioned lifestyle that women lived for most of civilized history. Homemaking is indeed an art form and I like that as a SAHW I am in the minority of people who absorb themselves in this. I’m learning to sew and knit, and I decorate our home with homemade crafts like wreaths or other DIY crafts. I’m taking the time to indulge in the hobbies that I’ve never had the time to before.
  • Being taken care of. I enjoy the fact that I have a man that takes care of me financially and is happy to do so. I feel being a housewife allows me to be feminine in the most traditional form. I feel the working world is very masculine, and I am happy to have left it behind. I will take the “1950s lifestyle” over a career any day. And we are both SO blessed that Matt is getting paid to train in a career goal that he has always wanted to do.
  • It can make financial sense. Often, the public is led to believe that you need two incomes to stay afloat. This isn’t always so. Get rid of the second car and it’s insurance, the gas for the long commutes, the money you spend on take-out and restaurants, and the sometimes even the extra wardrobe costs. When you do the math, sometimes you may realize you may be profiting less than you previously thought. The few extra thousand dollars sometimes simply aren’t worth the trouble.

Housewives2The Art of Homemaking Is A Beautiful Thing

Unfortunately/fortunately it isn’t for everyone. 🙂 Everyone’s different.  Everyone’s situation is different and I realize this. This article isn’t meant to discriminate against working wives at all. It’s actually meant more to empower those who are staying at home! A lot of people, especially working women, tend to not understand the allure of being a housewife, and sadly many of them do not respect those who choose to have this lifestyle. Even though their mothers and grandmothers and most women in history were indeed housewives. When/if you choose to be a SAHW (and especially a housewife without children), you may need to be prepared for some of your working friends to scoff at the idea. (Thankfully, I haven’t had any discouragement come my way). Many feminists believe that all women should work outside the home and even mother’s shouldn’t stay home. Sometimes their feelings may be born out of jealousy and sometimes they simply feel they are superior to an old-fashioned domestic life. In the end, it’s really none of their business what arrangement you and your husband have. And we can’t focus on how other’s view us. We shouldn’t need the approval of others!  As I’ve said, everyone’s situation is different and I feel its important to remain non-judgemental and understanding.

The truth is, lately I’ve been having discouraging thoughts about who I am. About MY role. And what I should be doing at this stage of our lives. So I took some time to read Jeremiah 1:5. It states that God knew me before I was formed and that I’ve been sanctified for a specific purpose. The foundation of my identity has to be firmly planted on the truths that He has everything under control. He understands my desires and passions, and will bring about those things in His time, not mine. My identity doesn’t come from doing anything but allowing God to transform me in His image. It’s rooted in the very fact that my God has the truest identity and that I’m going to do my part to make sure I’m walking in step with Him. My success might look different to some and maybe the whole world won’t understand the power I put into my “job” as a SAHW. However, I believe that we are not to be defined by what we DO. As long as my obedience continues to push me into the perfect identity that He has created for me, then I need nothing else than to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” God isn’t looking at the size of work you do, which most people find their identity in. He’s looking at how the task is performed. Are you being faithful to complete the things God has put before you and is your obedience with a cheerful heart? You are a daughter of the King, a child of the Most High! Remember this whenever you’re feeling lost or uncertain of your next steps. He offers comfort with His kind words. He will lead and guide me, eve while I’m currently in this “awkward transition of life”. 🙂 I really welcomed this reminder. As a new housewife I feel blessed to be doing what something I love each day, and I needn’t feel guilty or inadequate in my new role! I hope all of you feel blessed to do what you do each day as well.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out this website to find out more about SAHW’s. And this link when you’re questioning your worth.

